"Melton, come quick, a little bird is trapped on our porch, and she's trying to get out!" My wife yells.
This happens a lot when we leave the screen door open. You've probably had this happen at your house too. Most of the time, these trapped, little birds are what are known as: Troglodytes Aedon's or Texas House Wrens - A familiar backyard bird that tends to want to nest around human homes. They are very inquisitive, like to bounce around a lot and chirp consistently, like little cheerleaders.
House wrens prefer the open woods, gardens and thickets of underbrush. In the winter, they can be found in dense wooded areas; sometimes they nest alongside stream beds. Male birds defend their nesting territories by loud, quick chirping. Both parents take on the chore of hunting for food and for feeding their little ones. Their favorite foods include millipedes, grasshoppers, snails, spiders and crickets. Thank goodness, I can use all the help I can get eradicating these pests!
These little birds are fun to watch and listen to. They are a blessing to have around. So, whenever we have a desperate little visitor who gets trapped, I will always make sure they get to escape completely unharmed! "Okay my little friend, you're good to fly. See ya' next time!"
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